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  • The college is affiliated to the University of Calcutta and thus does not develop any curriculum; it just follows curriculum provided by the University. Read more about Affiliation of the College

    However, the college does have certificate courses in computer education for which the curriculum is developed by the faculties in consultation with experts. The college has its major objective to deliver the curriculum with effective teaching-learning methods. For achieving this objective, the faculty members are encouraged to make use of ICT for teaching in the classes, this can be done by making use of PPT’s, videos, documentaries whenever necessary. These act as a supplement to the traditional chalk and talk method of teaching and learning.

    The college also feels that there should be student centric learning methods used by the faculties. Thus there are group discussions, quiz, and discussion on academic topics etc. conducted in the classes.

    Taking feedback is an integral part of the institutional process and it is taken from different stakeholders. The feedback provided is then analysed to decide the actions and corrective measures to be taken.

    The institution considers it important to develop the quality of teaching-learning and number of measures have been taken for the same. There is a process of mid-term review for the students which helps the faculties to understand the academic progress of students. In this process students who require extra academic support are identified and help is provided by conducting remedial/tutorial classes etc.

    Feedbacks are taken from students on the teaching-learning processes and ways identified so that it can be made better. These inputs are considered and measures are taken after discussion for implementation of the same. Feedback links are also provided in the college website where students and other stakeholders can provide their feedback.

    Number of faculties with Ph.D. qualification has increased over time. The college has also introduced academic audit recently.

    Online MCQ has been introduced in the college from the current academic year to improve continuous internal assessment.

    The college has been working towards enhancing the research activities among the faculty members, for the same purpose a Research Committee has been set up. This committee encourages the faculties to take up research work like major/minor research projects, being Ph.D. guide for students, participation/presenting in seminars etc.

    The college does not offer any formal consultancy, however, at an informal level faculties do provide consultancy to other entities.

    A research committee is formed in the college. Any logistical support required by the faculties pursuing research are taken care of by this Research Committee.

    Number of faculties pursuing major and minor research projects has also increased over time. The college understands the need of good infrastructure to support the institutional processes. There are financial challenges in the college which are being addressed as much as possible.

    ICT is promoted among faculties and they are using this method for teaching in the classes. The library also has subscribed to INFLIBNET which has a large collection of e-journals that can be used by the faculties and students for academic and research purposes.

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