
About Portals

  • We Are Passionate to do Architecture Work .Each one of us wants a beautiful, warm, cozy, inviting and yet stylish interiors for our homes. We all have a little interior designer hidden in ourselves who wants to get applauded for his/her creative ideas and Optimum utilization of the available space which under the appropriate guidance of a professional Interior Designer is converted into reality. Most of us have a misconception that interior designing requires larger space for it to be a success. However, this is not true as interior designing can be applied to homes of all sizes with in a set budget range. Let us begin with first understanding what interior designing includes and how is it different from interior decoration. People often assume that interior designing and interior decoration is the same thing but in fact they are not the same and are different from each other in terms of the functional areas that each of them covers. Interior designing process involves spatial planning, renovating interiors, drawing, working closely with architects, electricians, plumbers, etc. in order to provide a safe and secured living place that is visually appealing to the eyes simultaneously. Whereas interior decorating is concerned basically with adorning the space which includes selection of a colour scheme, purchasing the desired upholstery and accessories etc.

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